Ok, so maybe the visual is a bit too much… Haha, but it got the point across didn’t it? This topic is so important, I wanted you to remember! In this video, I discuss how to get more people in front of your business faster. It’s all about urgency and…
Why You Should Be Building Residual Income Through Network Marketing
Hey, this is Steve Fisher, Are you focused on building residual income? Watch this video as I share some reasons with you as to why you should be focused on making sure you are creating this type of income. Surprisingly, many people do not have residual income and are not intentional…
You Gotta Prime The Pump!
In this video, I talk about some life/business lessons that I learned from my mastermind group. I encourage you to watch this video because it holds one of the secrets to success!
The Absolute Best Thing You Can Say To A New Team Member
Hey this is Steve Fisher and today I want to talk to you about the absolute best thing you can say to and do for a new team member in your business. So let’s jump right in… The absolute best thing you can say to a new associate is “I…
NEVER Run Out Of Warm Market Contacts!
In this video, I talk about the very important topic of driving depth on your team so that you never run out of warm market contacts. The taproot of a tree is what keeps the tree alive! I believe this is true in your network marketing business as well. Should…
The Attraction Factor
One of the keys to success in business today, whether you are talking about network marketing, online marketing, or even real estate investing is attracting people to your business. Always remember, people buy into you before they buy into your business. So how do you attract people to you rather…