Hey Residual Millionaire Insiders! I’m excited about delivering Residual Millionaire Monday Episode #4, we are starting to get down to business! In this episode, I talk about the importance of taking personal responsibility for your success… You have to OWN IT! Watch this video and let’s take you to the next level in your life and in your business:
When you take personal responsibility for your success, there are 2 things you have to STOP doing:
1. You have to stop blaming.
2. You have to stop making excuses.
Blame is mostly made up of the word LAME!
Excuses are for LOSERS. You’re basically saying, “Excuse me for not succeeding.” When you hang around winners, high performers, and high achievers, you see how they don’t make excuses. They find a way to make things happen. I used to make excuses for my fitness, but in December of 2015, I stopped doing that and hired a personal trainer. I mentioned in the video the book, “You Are Your Own Gym.” I highly recommend it. I have it in my library at home. Here’s the Amazon link if you want to get this book: http://amzn.to/2nXMcX0
In business, when you hang out with the ultra successful, you find out one of the major differentiators between them and those who aren’t as successful is their time management. Don’t kid yourself, if you’re not putting in the work and the time, you can’t expect the same results! The great Jim Rohn used to say, ” What can be measured, can be improved upon.” So how do you measure your time management? With your calendar!
I recommend you start documenting how you are spending your time. This might be an eye opener for you when you see how much time you are spending on things that don’t matter or things that are not making you money. Here’s something I teach network marketers… Put a red dot on your calendar every time you talk to a prospect about setting an appointment to see your business. Then put a blue dot on your calendar every time you actually do an appointment to show your business (Whether it’s in person or even online.) Then put a green dot on your calendar every time you convert one of those appointments into either a customer or an associate in your business.
This will do several things for you:
1. It’s going to expose how much you are actually working and doing the things that make you money.
2. It’s going to give you your averages! As Jim Rohn used to say, “When you know your averages, you can get better.”
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