Welcome to Part 3 of my series on Creating Duplication In Your Network Marketing Business. In this video, I’m going to discuss team-building skills that lead to massive growth. There is a ton of great stuff in this video and it is probably one of the most important subjects for your entire network marketing business, so be sure you watch the whole video.
In the first two videos, you learned the importance of pointing to systems and events and we discussed taking personal action and ramping up your personal prospecting efforts. Now it’s time to learn how to create massive growth on your team and become a top leader in your company. Have you ever noticed that some people in network marketing are able to build massive teams and produce leader after leader on their team and others don’t? Have you ever thought that they’re just lucky? Well, I can tell you they are not. Some may get “lucky” by finding one leader… But, if someone is always having success in team building, always moving up the charts in their company, and always producing leader after leader on their team, there’s a reason for it.
I can tell you, the #1 key to building a big team that grows out of your control is being a leader that attracts other leaders. My wife and I just had lunch with one of our leaders and he is someone who has had a tremendous amount of success in traditional business. He owns 5 homes and didn’t NEED to join my network marketing company for financial reasons. He teaches a business class at his church. My wife looked at him and said, “Considering how successful you already were, why did you get involved in network marketing?” He simply pointed at me. He said, “I saw that Steve was a good person and a good leader and I believed him when he said he would help me build a business and a residual income through network marketing.” I don’t tell you this to brag in any way. I’m just proving the point that people buy into you before they buy into a company or product. If you will focus on your personal development and learn to always build your business with integrity by saying what you mean and doing what you say you are going to do, then leaders will be attracted to you and will want to join your team.
Secondly, you have to be present. Follow up on your promise to HELP by being there, be committed to the success of your leaders. Pour yourself into their success and don’t be focused on what you get out of it. Your team can always tell if you truly care or if you simply care about YOU and what’s in it for YOU. Learn to inspire, not motivate. You want to inspire your team and your leaders with your character, your actions, your results, and your vision for the future. You have to be the leader that sets the tone and the pace for your team!
So, as a leader starts producing on your team, your responsibility as the leader is to be there to support them and to throw gas on their fire. This is done through recognition, 3-way calls, conference calls, private webinars, masterminds, home meetings, social events with other leaders, and vision/belief building sessions. You have to let them know that you believe in them as a leader on your team and you are committed to their success. A true leader can visualize and see potential in people… That’s why they are a leader. You have to not only see the potential, but you also have to be able to then pull it out of them. When you are talking to your leaders, you have to be saying, “I see you as one of the top money earners in the company. You are great at this… You are awesome at that. I see so many great leadership qualities in you.”
I want to edify them, build them up, and let them know that I believe in them. As quickly as possible, you have to empower THEM to be the leader. You want them to be in the spotlight, getting the recognition, and stepping into the role of leading their team. You want to support, recognize, and cheer the team to success! Your team will rise to the level of your expectations of them.
Lastly, remember that success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or what you accomplish for yourself. Success in life and success in network marketing is all about helping others. It’s all about pouring yourself into the success of others and if that will be your mantra, if that will be your focus, then the money, promotions, and success will be a by-product. Cast the vision for your leaders and for your team, lock arms with them and take them to the Promise Land! Lead by example and lead them to the Residual Life!
I hope you got value out of this video, if so, please do me a favor and share on social media and also leave me a comment below! I appreciate it and I would love to hear from you! Also, if you have not subscribed to my blog yet, please do so and share this link with anyone that you think would benefit from this kind of training. Thank you for your time.
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