Episode 004 – Residual Millionaire Podcast Interview With Fitness & Lifestyle Entrepreneur Kelli Calabrese

Kelli Calabrese is a 31-year fitness, nutrition & lifestyle entrepreneur. She owned and operated a chain of health clubs for 14 years and managed corporate fitness centers for companies like Calvin Klein and BMW.  She also founded a school that prepared over 3,000 students to become certified fitness professionals and has spoken internationally to trainers including Sir Richard Branson’s health clubs in Europe.  She has appeared on all of the major networks, was interviewed for Jillian Michael’s position on the Biggest Loser and is also the lead fitness expert for Montel Williams. Currently, Kelli is a top achiever in her network marketing company while balancing her family life with her husband of 23  years and two teenage children. She is also the co-author of a new book called Mom and Dadpreneur, which is being released in May 2017.

As mentioned on the podcast, here’s Kelli’s Cleanse/Solutions Document:

Living Clean in 2017!

Do you need to cleanse?

___ Cravings for carbs, starches, sugar, salt

___ Bloating and gas (especially after meals)

___ Easily retain water
___ Distended lower abdomen

___ Acne, psoriasis, eczema and other conditions

___ Bad breath, body odor
___ Headaches
___ Muscle aches

___ Joint Pain or stiffness
___ Overall lethargy, fatigue, sluggish
___ Dry skin, nails and hair
___ Depression
___ Decreased libido
___ Irritability
___ Constipation and or diarrhea (overall irregularity)

___ Mood Swings
___ Lack of Concentration
___ Weakened immunity, frequent colds
___ Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
___ Sensitivity to scents
___ Food sensitivities
___ Inflammatory response
___ Congestion
___ Runny nose, itchy eyes

If you answered yes to 3 you would benefit from Nutritional Cleansing!

What causes a toxic body:

Polluted Air
Contaminated Water
Processed Food
Drugs, tobacco over the counter meds Household and personal care products Stress and negative emotions
Sleep deprivation

Benefits For Doing A Nutritional Cleanse

Optimize Cellular Health
Jumpstart Metabolism
Introduce healthy, organic, and fresh foods to your diet Improve Digestion
Purify Blood
Getting rid of stored waste
Shedding some extra pounds
Enhanced concentration and mental clarity
Boosted Energy
Enhanced quality of sleep
Improved vitality (yes, I mean sex)
Stronger immune system
Clearer skin
Optimal absorption of nutrients
Improved circulation
Purifying organs

What A Nutritional Cleanse Isn’t?

Buying some supplements and cold pressed juices or herbal teas!

You really do have to change your diet and lifestyle to benefit from a cleanse!
A nutritional cleanse entails eliminating toxic foods and beverages, eating fresh whole foods, drinking of purified water, using therapeutic dosages of nutrition & lifestyle changes!

Foods to Eliminate

Bleached and refined flours (basically anything white!) Refined sugars such as high-fructose corn syrup Processed and packaged foods
Coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol

Table salt
Trans fats and refined oils (processed corn, canola, sunflower) Meats treated with hormones or antibiotics, farmed fish,

luncheon meats
Foods sprayed with pesticides and herbicides
Genetically modified foods and oils
Dairy products
Additives and preservatives (nitrates, sulphates, flavorings, and colorings)
Fast foods, fried foods
Sodas, juices with added sugar Tap water

Some Quick Tips For A Successful Cleanse:

  • Start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar
  • Plan to have fresh fiber rich veggies and low sugar fruits at every meal. Fill up on fiber-rich foods.
  • Focus on the most high-fiber fruits and vegetables. Include at least one serving of one of these fibrous foods at each meal: cauliflower, broccoli, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, berries (like raspberries, blueberries or blackberries), apples, or pears.[6]
  • Drinking a green smoothie a day and add protein • Buy organic produce
  • Eat unprocessed, whole grains. 100% whole grains are another great nutrient-rich food group. They contain protein, vitamins and are also a good source of fiber
  • Drink 2.5 litres of filtered high alkaline water per day
  • Choose lean protein at each meal. – Protein Shakes In general, women need 46 g of protein daily and men need 56 g daily. However, this amount may be different depending on your age, gender and activity level.[14]
  • Healthy fats. good for your mental health and mood; reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer; reduce fatigue; and help keep you mentally sharp.[18] Eat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (like those found in avocados, nuts, olives and fatty fish) Consume nut butter, almonds, cashews, walnuts and avoid trans fat
  • Try eating two 6-ounce servings of fatty fish per week. Fermented foods –
  • Eat mostly raw
  • Portion control
  • Avoid all alcohol
  • Healthy organic coffee with green or herbal teas that help boost metabolism
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Get on a clean eating meal plan! • Take a probiotic

• HighIntensityExerciseintervals
• BathswithEpsomSalt
• Lavenderoiltoreducestress
• Oreganooiltopullouttoxins
• Usenaturalcleaning,laundry,personalcareproducts • DryBrushing
• Sleep7+hoursanight
• DeepBreathing
• ChewWell
• Hydrotherapy
• Sauna
• ReadLabels
• Waterpurifier
• CleanVents

Choose 1 thing and Commit to it!

Live Clean in 2017!

If you want jump-start your metabolism, release toxic fat, age more youthfully, improve energy, enhance athletic performance and more, contact me for my 30 day proven systems. The get started plans will help you with better digestion, recovery, lowering stress, lowering acidity, reducing inflammation, improving mental clarity and helping you get the healthy physique you desire.



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